Feltham Locality

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Need to see a GP over the weekend? Call 111

If you or a member of the family become unwell and need to see a GP at the weekend, you can call 111 and you’ll be directed to a surgery in your local area where you will be offered an appointment for that day.

There is now a GP practice open every weekend from 08:00am to 08:00pm and during bank holidays from 10.00am to 4.00pm in the Feltham Locality of Hounslow.

Gill Medical Practice, Feltham – open Monday – Sunday

You don’t need to be registered at any of the practices which are open to use at the weekends and your medical record will be available to the GP you see.

You can find out more about choosing the right care for your need at www.rightcarenwlondon.nhs.uk.

Non-urgent advice: Remember

Your local pharmacists can not only provide over-the-counter medication for everyday ailments but they can also offer advice about minor illnesses, such as ear ache, stomach upsets and diarrhoea. Most have consulting rooms to protect patient privacy, without the need for an appointment.

When you need help quickly but it’s not an emergency, NHS 111 is available free 24 hours a day every day of the year. Friendly, highly-trained advisors, supported by experienced nurses and paramedics, can talk through your concerns and offer healthcare advice or direct you to the service that can help you best.